Set against the backdrop of traditional Indian art, music and dance, this soulful romantic drama centres around Appunni, a confident and forthright man, who makes a living teaching traditional dance forms in Kerala. He teaches students at a traditional dance academy that is run by a famous and greatly respected master, who loves him like his own son. The master's son, Madhavan is jealous and resentful of Appunni's close relationship with his father.
In order to fulfil the dreams and ambitions of Chandrika, a beautiful young dancer whom he is secretly in love with, Appunni goes all out to ensure that she is able to travel to Madras, Tamil Nadu for advance training at Padma Devi's Dance Academy. After Chandrika returns from Madras she receives many offers for concerts and becomes very popular. Madhavan takes a deep interest in Chandrika and develops an intimate relationship with her, but his main aim is to use her talents in dance to earn money.
Eventually Madhavan joins Jayanthi, a sophisticated and westernised woman to go on tours with her, betraying Chandrika and leaving her stranded. By the time Chandrika realises her mistake, it is too late. Even when Madhavan's father passes away, he does not return home and Appunni fulfils the role of the son and completes the last rites ceremony. He also takes charge of the dance school and dedicates himself to ensuring that his master's legacy remains intact. However, Madhavan returns to claim ownership of the dance school. How will Appunni react? Will he leave, allowing Madhavan to make the school a commercial venture or will he fight to maintain its sanctity?
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