This action-oriented sports drama delves into the struggle and success in the life of Jayan (Mohanlal), a professional boxer who leads a tough life. Working hard to make ends meet, the only light in Jayan's life is his son Biju, a mischievous and charming boy.
After great difficulties, when an opportunity emerges for Jayan to prove his talent, courage, perseverance and skill, will he have what it takes to fiercely battle against the odds and come up victorious?
Actress Shalini plays Mohanlal's mischievous and charming son in this movie.
Mohanlal's performance in this movie was extremely well received. The exceptional actor, who used to be a wrestler, performed most of the physically punishing scenes himself, without using a stunt double.
This movie is inspired from the American blockbuster Rocky (1976).
Jeevante Jeevan 1985
07 May 1985 ● Malayalam ● Running Time: TBA
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