Did you know? The film was originally launched in 1979 with a different star cast. The film had Dilip Kumar, Raj Kiran, and Tina Ambani, along with actors who starred previously for Nasir Hussain: Asha Parekh, Dharmendra, Rishi Kapoor, Zeenat Aman, Kaajal Kiran, Amjad Khan. Read More
The film was originally launched in 1979 with a different star cast. The film had Dilip Kumar, Raj Kiran, and Tina Ambani, along with actors who starred previously for Nasir Hussain: Asha Parekh, Dharmendra, Rishi Kapoor, Zeenat Aman, Kaajal Kiran, Amjad Khan.
This was Sanjeev Kumar's last film before his death in November of the same year.
Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" plays when Tariq dances with the bar girl Lilly.
Zabardast 1985
21 Jun 1985 ● Hindi ● Running Time: TBA
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