This fast-paced romantic drama delves into the love story between Anand and Uma. Anand (Rajinikanth) is motorcycle champion for six years in a row. Winning the championship brings him the introduction of Uma (Jyothi), the daughter of Thilakavathy (Sukumari); a haughty, wealthy woman. Uma thinks Anand is too dark skinned for her taste, but what starts as animosity soon turns into love.
However, Thilakavathy deceives Anand and Uma into thinking that she agrees to their wedding while secretly planning to get Uma married someone else. She gets Anand locked up on the day of the wedding and Anand escapes but not too soon to stop the wedding.
The next time they meet, Uma sees Anand happily married to Kalyani (Saritha) and with a child while she informs him that she too is happily married with two children. Kalyani invites Uma to her house for Deepavali where she reveals a shocking secret. What is Kalyani's secret? How will the lives of Uma and Anand pan out? Is there even a hint of a possibility that they may reunite as a couple?
Did you know? The original Tamil movie was a remake of the hit Kannada film Naa Ninna Mareyalaare (1976) with Rajkumar and Lakshmi, a famous Tamil actress in the lead. Read More
The original Tamil movie was a remake of the hit Kannada film Naa Ninna Mareyalaare (1976) with Rajkumar and Lakshmi, a famous Tamil actress in the lead.
This movie is the dubbed version of the Tamil movie Pudhu Kavithai (1982).
Tiger Rajani 1984
01 Jan 1984 ● Telugu ● 2 hrs 25 mins
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