Release Dates: 21 Jan 2016 (Malaysia), 21 Jan 2016 (Singapore)
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Did you know? Wei Ning Hsu had not watched horror films for almost ten years due to her fear of them. For this movie, the director requested her to watch them as part of the movie's preparation work. She ended up screaming through them Read More
The cast and crew were handed out with protective charms to ensure their safety.
Whenever filming on location, a priest was always around to do a "purification ritual" before the start of filming.
River Huang has admitted that he is sensitive to the presence of spirits in real life
Wei Ning Hsu said she was really terrified during filming due to the makeup that the child actress was wearing.
The film is based on the Taiwanese folk-lore of mountain spirits that often incite people to become lost
Wei Ning Hsu had not watched horror films for almost ten years due to her fear of them. For this movie, the director requested her to watch them as part of the movie's preparation work. She ended up screaming through them
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