'The Grand Budapest Hotel' recounts the adventures of Gustave H, a legendary concierge at a famous European hotel between the wars, and Zero Moustafa, the lobby boy who becomes his most trusted friend.
The crux of the story involves the theft and recovery of a priceless Renaissance painting, and the battle for an enormous family fortune. Of course, all these complex events happen against the backdrop of a suddenly and dramatically changing continent.
Did you know? Originally Angela Lansbury was cast in the movie but had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts with the stage production of Driving Miss Daisy and was replaced by Tilda Swinton. Read More
The Grand Budapest Hotel is considered a picaresque romp, inspired by the Austrian writer Stefan Sweig.
The Grand Budapest Hotel's first premiered at the Berlin film festival where it was acclaimed as one of Wes Anderson's lightest and most accessible films.
The Grand Budapest Hotel's theatre was received special instructions on how to project this film, including details for sound and framing.
The model for the hotel seen in the movie was inspired by vintage images found in the Library of Congress of old European hotels and resorts.
The exteriors of the Grand Budapest Hotel visualised in the film, is actually a nine foot tall, 14 feet long and 7-foot deep handmade miniature model.
Bill Murray's character's name in hungarian says "Mi van?" which means: "What's going on?".
Originally Johnny Depp was cast in the lead role, but he dropped out.
Originally Angela Lansbury was cast in the movie but had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts with the stage production of Driving Miss Daisy and was replaced by Tilda Swinton.
This movie is Wes Anderson's seventh collaboration with Bill Murray.
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