Nick Fury is director of S.H.I.E.L.D, an international peace keeping agency. The agency is a who's who of Marvel Super Heroes, with Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow.
When global security is threatened by Loki and his cohorts, Nick Fury and his team will need all their powers to save the world from disaster.
Did you know? Chris Evans once sent a text message to Clark Gregg simply saying “Assemble”, which is the tagline for the movie. Gregg stated that this was his favorite text message ever sent to him. Read More
Factual Mistake The German police shown in the Stuttgart-scene have yellow light bars. In reality all German emergency vehicles have blue flashing lights. Yellow flashing lights are reserved for roadside assistance and construction machinery.
Miscellaneous When Loki blasts the Police car, causing it to nose-skid then flip, as it comes to rest you can see some gas still escaping from the location of the compressed air cannon under the rear of the car.
Continuity During Tony's entire conversation with Loki at the top of Stark Tower, Tony's chest piece isn't illuminated. In the previous scene when Tony and Steve figure out where Loki is operating from, the chest piece can be clearly seen under Tony's shirt.
Continuity During the final battle, Iron Man explodes a "Leviathan" - one of the big Chitauri monsters - from the inside, labeling his attack 'Jonah-style'. He falls and hits a cab, which stops him. The camera angle then changes, and the cab is nowhere to be seen.
Continuity Throughout the film, Tony Stark's chest piece changes between being visible through his shirt and hidden by the material.
Continuity During the tunnel chase between Agent Hill and Loki, after her vehicle is spun around and Loki has passed her, there are two scenes in which the hole in her windshield is not there.
Continuity During the battle in New York, the scratches and damage on Captain America's shield change multiple times.
Continuity Before the final battle begins, Tony reaches at the tower and finds Loki there. Tony goes and gets a glass of liquor. Loki approaches him, grabs him and throws him. The glass is no where to be seen.
Continuity When Captain America is in the gym punching the second bag, the bag has no tape around the middle. When he and Fury begin talking, a close up of the bag has duct tape around the center. Next it switches back to clean again.
Audio/Video Mismatch When one of the computer operators resumed playing Galaga, the sound effect used is for an enemy ship attempting to capture the player's ship. Instead, this sound effect was used for normal gameplay.
Jeremy Renner was trained by Olympic archers for his role as Agent Clint Barton a.k.a. Hawkeye in this film.
Robert Downey Jr kept food hidden all over the lab set and apparently nobody could find where it was, so they just let him continue doing it.
Chris Evans once sent a text message to Clark Gregg simply saying “Assemble”, which is the tagline for the movie. Gregg stated that this was his favorite text message ever sent to him.
Scarlett Johansson was initially unsure about making 'Avengers Assemble' because it seemed like such a "ridiculous" idea.
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