This suspenseful and thrilling drama revolves around the life of Sridevi, a woman was born in a wealthy royal family. While she was a child, she had gone to visit a temple with her parents. At the time, there was a murder attempt on the whole family by her uncle who wished to possess all their wealth.
While her parents were assassinated, Sridevi managed to escape and begin a life of anonymity and struggle, lost to her family.
25 years later, her grandmother desperately seeks her, hoping to hand over their family's property to its rightful heir. The deceitful uncle, who has quietly waited for the right moment to capture the inheritance, hires Rajinikanth to identify a suitable impostor.
By controlling the imposter he plans to take over all the wealth when the matriarch passes away. Will he succeed in taking over the ancestral properties? What happened to the real Sridevi? Is she is still alive? Can she find a way to inherit what is rightfully hers against the wishes of the wily uncle?
Did you know? This movie is the Telugu dubbed version of the Tamil movie 'Adutha Varisu', directed by S P Muthuraman, starring Rajinikanth and Sridevi, which in turn, was a remake of the Hindi movie 'Raja Rani'. Read More
This movie is the Telugu dubbed version of the Tamil movie 'Adutha Varisu', directed by S P Muthuraman, starring Rajinikanth and Sridevi, which in turn, was a remake of the Hindi movie 'Raja Rani'.
Takkari Donga 1984
01 Jan 1984 ● Telugu ● 2 hrs 19 mins
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