Ravi Malhotra and Mohini are in love and are to get married. After the engagement ceremony, the marriage is scheduled to take place in 4 days time during which Ravi and Mohini must stay apart. On the day of the wedding, Mohini and her family are informed that Ravi has been hospitalized, critically injured when he was shot by Police Inspector D'Costa in an encounter. They are also informed that Ravi has been charged with possession of drugs. After Ravi recovers, he is tried in Court and sentenced to 4 years in prison. Mohini believes that Ravi is innocent, and decides to wait until he completely his sentence and then marry him. Appalled at the way he was treated by the police and law, Ravi studies law in prison, and finds out that there are several other inmates who would like to get their hands on Inspector D'Costa. In the meantime, D'Costa is attracted to Mohini and gets friendly with her. Due to his good conduct, Ravi is discharged after 2 1/2 years and is now a qualified lawyer. Shortly thereafter Mohini and Ravi get married. This does not discourage D'Costa as he still lusts after Mohini. Mohini complains about him to DCP Mishra. Shortly thereafter DCP Mishra is shot dead in an encounter with terrorists, who were holding some children as hostage. With several years of meritorious service, five medals, it is very likely that the next DCP will be D'Costa, and if that happens Ravi and Mohini can rest assured that he will turn their lives into virtual hell - and there will be no one they can turn to for help.
Did you know? The film was delayed by a year and a half because of the ill health of director Bharat Rangachary who died towards the end of filming. Read More
The film is a remake of the American movie Unlawful Entry (1992).
The film was delayed by a year and a half because of the ill health of director Bharat Rangachary who died towards the end of filming.
Takkar 1995
14 Jul 1995 ● Hindi ● 2 hrs 42 mins
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