This evocative psychological drama delves into the twists and turns in the life of Lonappan (Jayaram), a complacent inmate of a lunatic asylum, whose life becomes the subject of the graduation film of a movie-school student (Geethu Mohandas).
As the social activist in her dominates the film-maker, she, with the help of her sub-collector fiance (Biju Menon), gets Lonappan released from the asylum and tries to find him a normal life.
The story takes a serious turn as Lonappan becomes an integral part of Meera's life and she finds everything upside down because of his presence at home. She gives him a job in a school. But Lonappan turns out to be a misfit in society.
In the meantime, Lonappan gets closer to a child in the school, creating further complications in his life. Will Lonappan learn to adapt to life in so-called normal society? How will his relationship with Meera unfold?
Although this movie did not rise up to expectations in the box office, it received immense critical acclaim and won numerous awards including several Kerala State Film Awards and Asianet Film Awards.
Jayaram's portrayal of the character Lonappan is widely regarded as the best in his career.
Sesham 2002
01 Jan 2002 ● Malayalam ● Running Time: TBA
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