Exquisitely crafted and evocative, this soulful drama is set in the stark and struggle-stricken period during peak of the depression in North Carolina, USA. The story centres around George, a wealthy business magnate, who owns a timber empire. However, his world is thrown into chaos and complexity when he comes to know of the heart-breaking news that his wife cannot bear children. How will he attempt to find a solution to the problem?
Did you know? The project was first reported as Darren Aronofsky as director and starring Angelina Jolie. But they dropped out and were replaced by Susanne Bier as the director and Jennifer Lawrence. Read More
This movie is based on a novel of the same name by American author Ron Rash.
This is the third project starring Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence, and the second time they are playing love interests.
The project was first reported as Darren Aronofsky as director and starring Angelina Jolie. But they dropped out and were replaced by Susanne Bier as the director and Jennifer Lawrence.
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