The story takes place in two countries: India and Sri Lanka. Annadurai was living with family in Sri Lanka. When the fight between the Tamilians and Sinhalese broke out, he fled to India with his family. There he lived in Tamil Nadu-Kerala border. When he was in Lanka he gave protection for a Sinhalese child named Manomi who lost her mother. After some years she reaches Annadurai's residence. But the whole family except Annadurai hated her. It was during this period Thiruchelvam, a member of LTTE reached seeking shelter in Annadurai's house. The acquaintance with Manomi led to love. Manomi and Thiruchelvam loved each other. Thiruchelvam reminded the situation that LTTE was against Sinhalese and it would affect their relationship. Other members of his gang also opposed the relationship with Manomi as he was assigned to carry out the mission.
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