Did you know? Dilip Kumar initially felt the film's storyline was weak, and had an "absence of meat". He asked for certain changes to be made, and they were accommodated in the script. Read More
Following the success of Mela, Director S. U. Sunny set up his own production company, Sunny Art Productions, where he made films like Babul (1950), Udan Khatola (1955) and Kohinoor (1960).
Dilip Kumar was reportedly unwilling to act in the film, until he reached the studio and heard the opening lines of the song "Mera Dil Todnewaale", sung by Mukesh and Shamshad Begum.
Dilip Kumar initially felt the film's storyline was weak, and had an "absence of meat". He asked for certain changes to be made, and they were accommodated in the script.
The film was remade in Telugu as Chiranjeevulu (1956).
Mela 1948
01 Jan 1948 ● Hindi ● Running Time: TBA
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