This evocative family drama delves into the life of Kali, who returns home after a long absence to find his sister, Lakshmi and her children lost to him. As he embarks on a journey to find his family, he becomes the saviour and protector for many helpless and impoverished people, fighting crime and exploitation.
He also becomes involved two women who look identical, Anita and Geetha. When he marries Geetha after being impressed by her devotion and willingness to sacrifice for him, he must face the wrath of her powerful and wealthy father. Can Kali reunite with his family? Will he succeed in having a happy married life with Geetha, against the wishes of Anita's father who is also a mob kingpin?
This is the first film in which Rajinikanth and Chiranjeevi star together.
Actress Seema plays a dual role in this film.
Kaali 1980
19 Sep 1980 ● Telugu ● Running Time: TBA
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