Tragic tale of Gopi (Mitra), a village woman virtually abandoned by her brother in the home of Mohan (Kapoor) and his ageing mother. The lower-caste Gopi secretly loves Mohan but he pines for the movie star Neela Devi. Eventually the frustrated Gopi goes mad just when Mohan, fed up with his star’s whims, returns to Gopi. The film belongs to the Bengali tradition of literary melodramas, an association enhanced by Tripti Mitra’s remarkable performance. In shifting the tragedy from a Devdas-type male anxiety to the woman’s condition, the film chronicles the behavioural and moral restrictions besetting a woman caught in a ‘traditional’ environment. Mitra’s performative idiom rises above the story’s vindication of tradition as superior to the liberated but hollow freedoms of the film star.
This is the only film produced by Brijkishore Agrawal.
On meeting the son, Raj, of the legend Prithviraj Kapoor, producer Brij Kishore Agrawal was keen to cast him in the lead for this movie despite Raj Kapoor having no previous films to his credit. The movie went on to be named one of the top 50 classics in Indian cinema.
Gopinath 1948
01 Jan 1948 ● Hindi ● Running Time: TBA
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