Ravi and Lakshmi are lovers, but Ravi was forced to marry someone else fixed by his father. Ravi marries another woman and at the same time another marriage had happened - Manohar's sister Parvati who marries Gopal, happens to be Ravi's friend. Both the weddings get over but during a fatal train accident, Ravi's wife dies, Parvati gets injured and Manohar turns blind. Ravi accidentally takes Parvati home to safety and mistakenly assuming her as his wife. Ravi realizes his mistake and Parvati runs away and successfully reaches her husband's house without revealing her identity. Manohar gets his vision back and to their surprise they discover that Gopal is arranged to marry Lakshmi. What happens when all the characters meet, as confusions, shocking revelations and feelings get exposed??
This film is adapted from the Bengali novel Noukadubi by Rabindranath Tagore.
Ghunghat 1960
01 Jan 1960 ● Hindi ● Running Time: TBA
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