Prem Shankar lives a wealthy life-style circa after the British Rule in India, with his businessman father, Girija, and housewife mother, Kamini. He is now of marriageable age, and his parents would like him to marry Seth Heerachand's daughter, but Prem wants to marry someone of his own choice, without any pressure from his parents. He befriends a young woman named Kasturi, who falls in love with him. Prem also meets with a gypsy woman named Dulari, and falls head over heels in love with her. When his father finds out, he is enraged, forbids Prem to ever see Dulari again, and warns him that he can only marry a woman from a good and wealthy family background. It is now up to Prem to decide to follow his father's instructions or do as his heart tells him.
The hit song "Suhani Raat Dhal Chuki, Na Jaane Tum Kab Aaogi", sung by Mohammad Rafi was covered by Raymond Ramnarine of Dil e Nadan, with the name "Suhani Gyal".
The film was remade in Telugu as Sobha (1958).
Dulari 1949
01 Jan 1949 ● Hindi ● Running Time: TBA
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