Sushil Verma (Raaj Kumar) is a surgeon in the Shimla Hospital. He lives on the hospital grounds in a doctor's house with his ageing mother and younger sister Munni (Kumari Naaz). Sushil's father died and his father's close friend paid for his medical school fees, thus creating a debt that Sushil's mother feels needs to be fulfilled.
Karuna (Meena Kumari) is a nurse who comes to the Shimla hospital and first encounters Dr. Verma during an emergency surgery. Both are clearly besotted with each other, but keep their feelings restrained.
By chance, on a nurses' beach day trip, Karuna meets Munni, who injures herself whilst playing. She takes Munni back to her house, not knowing that she is Dr. Verma's sister, and the house she is visiting belongs to him. She dresses Munni's wounds, sees how much work needs to be done in the house, and the fact that his mother is too ill to attend household tasks. She immediately steps in and fulfills the duties of the housewife; cooking, cleaning and taking care of everyone. Sushil comes home to see this and falls even more in love.
However, later on his mother organises a trip to Kashmir for the whole family, and conveniently guilt trips Sushil to marry Kusum (Nadira), the daughter of the man who paid for his medical school fees.
They come back to Shimla, and Karuna is devastated when she finds this out. Although she manages to conceal this for a while, situations keep arising and Kusum soon gets jealous of Sushil's preference for Karuna, and her perceived ill-treatment. Kusum manipulates and mistreats her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, until Sushil orders her out of the house. She goes back to Kashmir. Dr. Verma's mother then realises her mistake and should have gotten him married to Karuna. To avoid scandal Karuna moves to another hospital. But Kusum seeks to enact revenge on her. Dr. Verma finds this out and tries to beat Kusum to Karuna, which yields a cliff top high speed car chase, resulting in Kusum's death. The film concludes with reunion of Karuna and Sushil.
Did you know? The song "Ajeeb Dastan" was done by The Bartender, which is a Mikey McCleary project where he re-interprets Bollywood classics with a contemporary touch and a new feel. Read More
This film was later made as Armaan (2003), which starred Amitabh Bachchan, Anil Kapoor , Priety Zinta and Gracy Singh.
The song "Ajeeb Dastan" was done by The Bartender, which is a Mikey McCleary project where he re-interprets Bollywood classics with a contemporary touch and a new feel.
Dil Apna Aur Preet Parayi 1960
01 Jan 1960 ● Hindi ● Running Time: TBA
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