Christopher Nolan

Director ● Producer ● Screenplay Writer

Christopher Edward Nolan was born on the 30th of July 1970. He is a British-American film director, screenwriter, producer, cinematographer and editor. He is one of the highest-grossing directors in history, and among the most successful and acclaimed filmmakers of the 21st century. Having made his directorial debut with Following (1998), Nolan gained considerable attention for his second feature, Memento (2000). The acclaim of these independent films gave Nolan the opportunity to make the big-budget thriller Insomnia (2002), and the mystery drama The Prestige (2006). He found further popular and critical success with the The Dark Knight Trilogy (2005–2012), Inception (2010) and Interstellar (2014). His nine films have grossed over US$4.2 billion worldwide and garnered a total of 26 Oscar nominations and seven awards. Nolan has co-written several of his films with his younger brother, Jonathan Nolan, and runs the production company Syncopy Inc. with his wife Emma Thomas. Nolan's films are rooted in philosophical, sociological and ethical concepts, exploring human morality, the construction of time, and the malleable nature of memory and personal identity. His body of work is permeated by labyrinthine plots, nonlinear storytelling, temporal shifts, solipsistic perspectives, practical special effects, and analogous relationships between visual language and narrative elements.

Born on: 30 July, 1970

Born in: Westminster, London, England

English 2017
English 2016
Executive Producer
English 2014
English 2014
Executive Producer
English 2013
English 2012
English 2010
English 2008
English 2017
Screenplay Writer
English 2014
Screenplay Writer
English 2013
Story Writer
English 2012
Screenplay Writer, Story Writer
English 2010
Screenplay Writer
English 2008
Story Writer, Screenplay Writer
English 2005
Screenplay Writer
English 2000
Screenplay Writer
English 2017
English 2014
English 2012
English 2010
English 2008
English 2006
English 2005
English 2000
Christopher Nolan did his part to take non-linear storytelling to a whole new level when he made 'Memento' back in 2000, and it has been a part of all of his films since, from 'The Prestige' to 'The Dark Knight Rises'. It’s a tradition that the filmmaker has done his part to try and rejuvenate, as he believes that this style stopped being used when movies started being screened on television, requiring a more linear approach.

Going into each of his projects, he wants to create something that is as all-consuming as possible, and a big part of that process is staying completely focused on the task at hand. He goes into every movie as if it were the last one is ever going to make.

Michael Caine and Christopher Nolan first came to work together when the latter hired the former to play Bruce Wayne’s butler Alfred Pennyworth in 2005’s 'Batman Begins', and they have been rather inseparable since. In addition to the actor reprising his role as Alfred in both 'The Dark Knight' and 'The Dark Knight Rises', Caine also played a key parts in both 'The Prestige' and 'Inception', and is also a part of the ensemble in 'Interstellar'. Asked about what it is about the British star that he appreciates working with, Nolan said that he is regularly impressed by his ability to be so prepared and so good "with no apparent effort," and that he can be used as an example for everyone else on the set of the film. The director added that Caine has gotten the idea in his head that he has become Nolan’s "lucky charm," which, of course, means that Nolan now needs to use him in every single project he makes.

Christopher Nolan’s adventures with the Caped Crusader eventually came together to create one of the best superhero trilogies of all time, but none of it would have been possible if the filmmaker hadn’t been allowed to take multiple years between the sequels and been able to work on other projects in the interim.

'Star Wars' and '2001: A Space Odyssey' had an important impact on him as a kid. The director said that he first saw the latter film when he was only seven years old and really had no idea what it meant from a philosophical standpoint, but was left in awe by its simple magnitude and the creation of an amazing cinematic experience.

Being a perfectionist, he prefers constructing movies with nothing but realism. So for his movie 'Inception', massive rotating sets were built inside of a London airport hangar for the zero-gravity fight scenes.