Adapted from a popular novel narrating how a peaceful woman changes into a fury, the film’s climax remained unfinished due to the death of Rani Chandra, but was an immense success anyway. She plays Gayathri, whose happy middle-class marriage was ruined when a ‘chandalan’ Kandeepan raped her. Divorced and mentally disturbed, she still imagines herself to be married. Her ex-husband marries Jayanthi (Bhawani), but the evil Kandeepan lusts after Jayanthi as well and kidnaps her stepson to force her to sleep with him. Gayathri recovers her sanity long enough to hunt down the villain with a trishul and dies while killing him.
The film is an adaptation of a Tamil novel written by Maharishi.
Rani Chandra died before filming was completed, so the film was released unfinished.
Bhadrakali 1976
10 Dec 1976 ● Tamil ● 2 hrs 20 mins
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