Release Dates: 17 Dec 2021 (India), 18 Dec 2020 (United Kingdom), 17 Dec 2021 (United States)
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Did you know? James Cameron has openly confirmed that he is seriously looking into shooting the film in higher frame rate which, as he stated, takes the glass out of the window to reality. Possible frame rates of interest are 48fps or even 60fps. This would imply that either a downgraded version would be required for release in the majority of theaters across the world or this movie would be a pioneer in the attempts to get HFR into cinemas worldwide. Read More
Follows: Avatar (English) Followed by: Avatar 3 (English) Followed by: Avatar 4 (English)
James Cameron is planning to shoot some footage seven miles underwater in the Challenger Deep, the deepest point of the Mariana Trench and also the deepest location on earth.
James Cameron has openly confirmed that he is seriously looking into shooting the film in higher frame rate which, as he stated, takes the glass out of the window to reality. Possible frame rates of interest are 48fps or even 60fps. This would imply that either a downgraded version would be required for release in the majority of theaters across the world or this movie would be a pioneer in the attempts to get HFR into cinemas worldwide.
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